Alibaba create a ChatGPT (OpenAI) ChatGPT Competitors


Alibaba create a ChatGPT (OpenAI)

Open AI's success in launching ChatGPT has sparked an AI competition among the world's technology giants. Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba told CNBC Wednesday (8/2/2023) that it is working on an AI rival to ChatGPT.

A company spokesperson said the company is working on AI technology such as ChatGPT and it is currently being tested internally in the company.

Alibaba shares jumped 3% in pre-trade in the US.

This move was made as technology companies globally wanted to capitalize on the excitement generated by ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI. Users can ask ChatGPT questions on various topics, write essays and even code.

Alibaba said it had started working on generative AI since 2017. The company did not give a deadline for when it could launch its ChatGPT competitor.

Previously, Baidu announced that they were developing their own AI similar to ChatGPT. Baidu plans to launch a ChatGPT-style application in March. In the early stages, Baidu will embed the app into its main search service. "Ernie bot" in English or "Wenxin Yiyan" in Chinese will allow users to get conversational-style search results like the popular platform OpenAI.

Microsoft is also investing billions of dollars in OpenAI and this week announced its AI-powered Bing search engine and Edge browser which will be powered by ChatGPT technology.

Earlier this week, Google announced its artificial intelligence chatbot technology called Bard. Bard's launch was not smooth because the AI answered the wrong question in an advertisement. Google stock plunged 9% when Bard launched.

Alibaba, one of China's largest cloud computing players and the country's largest e-commerce company, hinted that its chatbot could be integrated into its products.

"As a technology leader, we will continue to invest in turning cutting-edge innovations into value-added applications for our customers and their end users via cloud services," an Alibaba spokesperson told CNBC.

On Wednesday, NetEase, one of China's largest gaming companies, said that its education subsidiary Youdao is working on generative AI. A spokesperson told CNBC that the company is considering using the grand language model in some of its educational productions.

NetEase did not say that it would launch a ChatGPT rival. It was revealed that some of its new products would be announced soon, but did not provide a specific timeline.

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